Young stars talk birthdays,romantic presents & parties


The young stars of Britain's soaps came together in a glamorous shoot (L-R Charley Webb, Kieron Richardson, Jacqueline Jossa, Samia Ghadie, Gemma Merna, Shona McGarty and Chris Fountain)

Like any young person, our well-known and uprising soap stars know how to let their hair down and party.

Especially when it comes to their birthdays, as some of the bright young things from EastEnders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks have revealed.

Party boys: Hollyoaks star Kieron Richardson and Corrie's Chris Fountain revealed their memorable birthdays
Hollyoaks star Kieron Richardson

Richardson, who plays Ste Hay, said: ‘At my 17th birthday party I tried to open a bottle of wine with a knife as I couldn’t find a corkscrew. The blade went through my hand and I ended up in hospital.’

And he said he doesn’t like ‘regular’ birthdays and always plans something big and amazing for his friends, and added: ‘Last year, I hired a nightclub and had girls in bikinis with snakes wrapped around their necks. This year, I’m hiring an entire holiday park in Blackpool.’

His former Hollyoaks cast mate Chris Fountain said he too likes a good party – and loves to go out with Corrie’s biggest party animal Ryan Thomas, who plays Jason Grimshaw.

Fountain, who now stars in Coronation Street as Tommy Duckworth, said: ‘When my mum arranged my 21st, we had breakdancers, live graffiti artists spray-painting the walls and my cake was brought out by a woman sprayed gold. It was great!’

But Chris also has a romantic side when it comes to other people’s big days such as his girlfriends’ and he said: ‘I got her some Louboutins for Christmas. I didn’t know which ones to get because there were so many of them, so I went for a very nice black pair.

The legs have it: Emmerdale's Charley Webb's leg appears to have a staring role of its own - Angelina Jolie style - in the photo
Emmerdale's Charley Webb's shows off her perfect pins

‘I’ve always been inventive with presents. Last Valentine’s Day, I hid her presents around the house with clues to find them. I honestly prefer giving presents to receiving them.’

EastEnders star Jaqueline Jossa, who plays Lauren Branning said the best part of any night out if getting ready with friends first.

She said: ‘Everyone puts on fake tan and false eyelashes, then compares dresses and takes pictures. It’s the best bit of the night. I spend ages getting ready now – I never used to be like that!’

And she said her boyfriend Tony Discipline, who plays Tyler Moon in the soap, made her feel very spoilt on her last birthday.

She said: ‘It felt like he’d written down everything I’d mentioned – a coat, Alton Towers tickets and a teddy that said I love you on it.’

Soap pals: Corrie's Samia Ghadie clinks glasses with Hollyoaks' Gemma Merna, while EastEnders Shona McGarty smoulders over Corrie star's Chris Fountain
EastEnders Shona McGarty smoulders over Corrie star's Chris Fountain

Her on and off-screen good friend Shona McGarty is also dating a co-star, Matt Lapinskas, who plays Anthony Moon.

And she said he too is very romantic, and explained: ‘He’s great. For Christmas, he bought me 17 bags of presents. The nicest one was a box he made for me to keep my secrets and wishes in. He’s very romantic. I’ve got to up my game a bit’

Samia Ghadie, who plays Maria Connor in Coronation Street turns 30 this July, but is already planning a huge bash to celebrate.

She said: ‘I turn 30 this year, so it’s time to party! I’m going to have a big summer party for all the cast and crew at Corrie, so I’m planning that now. It’s going to be great!’

Samia lost her father to cancer three years ago and said not having him around for her birthdays is a sad and happy time.

She said: ‘After you’ve lost a parent you do experience those emotions. It’s the first birthday or the first Christmas that’s hard, but I know my dad would want me to just be happy and celebrate. He liked to party and loved to laugh.’



The full interview with the soap stars can be in this week’s Look magazine, out now