Alex Reid slams tabloid lies about his relationship

Alex Reid has slammed fake tabloid reports about his relationship with Chantelle Houghton.

The Celebrity Big Brother winner referred to a Daily Mail article which alleged that Houghton was leaving her Essex flat on her own while she remained estranged from Reid.

Reid has claimed that the story was full of “lies”, saying she was actually leaving their joint home.

He added that the ongoing news articles about their relationship were causing his pregnant girlfriend “stress” and making her cry.

“Just read more lies in the mail on line! @chantellehought is pictured coming out of r new joint home,not flat & they say she us living elsewhere (sic),” he tweeted.

“It is exactly this sort of journalism which is causing the stress & grief. I turned up at m home 2b greeted by 3paps who had made @chantellehought actually cry.

“Surely there had to be sum laws against th harassment?My poor girl wad even frightened 2 take the bin out wen I was away, because of the nasty headlines it could possibly cause.

“This is just silly.i keep saying we’re not prisoners & just give them the bloody shot they want,but my loyal girl doesn’t want another bad story printed,slating me & her.This isn’t good.Heyho,life is still good.”

The couple have been rumoured to be living apart in recent weeks after they reportedly had a “catastrophic” argument.

Reid has repeatedly denied that they have broken up ahead of their planned wedding later this year.

Meanwhile, tabloid regular Imogen Thomas has vented her anger over hearing about the couple in the press, tweeting: “OMG if I see another story about Chantelle and Alex Reid. Who cares? Its clearly all for magazine deals. Same management. So boring zzzzzz x.”

Reid and Houghton have yet to respond to her comments.