Alexander Burke dumps Jermain Defoe

Alexandra Burke, Jermain DefoeAlexandra Burke has reportedly dumped boyfriend Jermain Defoe after he was unfaithful a second time.

The X Factor winner was trying to forgive Defoe following reports he had cheated on her with 23-year-old model Laura Brown from Newcastle, however reports now suggest the singer has kicked him into touch after nurse Kirsty Crummey said the footballer had also bedded her.

According to The Sun, Nurse Kirsty Crummey claims she slept with the footballer at his mansion six weeks ago.

The pair first had sex last July. The fling cooled, but Defoe apparently began pestering her for naked pictures and videos in February, after which they began exchanging explicit text messages.

“He messaged me asking if I would have a threesome but I said, ‘No’. He gave me a hug on the doorstep. I said I had a headache and he gave me two pain relief tablets in the kitchen. He had a bowl of Coco Pops and asked if I thought the milk smelled OK,” she said.

They apparently started having sex in his walk-in wardrobe. “After a few minutes we moved to a spare room. I guess he felt more comfortable there because it didn’t feel so much like cheating.

“I didn’t want to hear about Alexandra and he never mentioned her. I guessed he was with her but I didn’t want to know the truth. I’d fallen for him and I suppose I was fooling myself we could be together.

“He preyed on my vulnerability. I wasn’t going to turn him down – I’ve never had a footballer like him show interest in me before. It was flattering but I know now he was just using me.

“He has hurt me so much. I just hope other girls reading this see him for what he is and don’t fall into the same trap I did – and Alexandra Burke now knows what he’s like. That’s the only reason I’ve decided to speak out.”

A friend of Burke’s said that the singer has “ended it” and “decided to move on with her life”. Defoe refused to comment.