An ice-melting performance from Jorgie Porter

She may have lost out in an ‘ice dual’ with fellow soap star Matthew Wolfendon, but actress Jorgie Porter certainly won over some more male fans on last night”s Dancing On Ice.

The Hollyoaks star, 24, set temperatures soaring on the rink in a very sexy PVC, leather and Lycra ensemble of bra top and leggings.

The blonde soap star, was performing with her partner Matt Evers in a head-to-head dance with Emmerdale hunk Wolfendon and Nina Ulalova.

Hell for leather: Jorgie Porter performed in a leather, Lycra and PVC ensemble of leggings and bra with partner Matt Evers

Porter’s outfit caused such a stir she was informed by Philip Schofield it was trending on Twitter, with Gary Lineker’s son George tweeting: ‘Jorgie Porter – sort.’

The two pairs started off the routine to Madonna and Justin Timberlake’s 4 Minutes together, before splitting up to do their separate sections.

Despite being only three weeks into the competition, Porter showed how she advanced she was already as Evers lifted her above his head for a DJ spin without the actress holding on.

Ripped: Porter's bra top showed off her toned abs

And then it was up the judges Louie Spence, Katrina Witt and Robin Cousins to chose which one of the couples should have immunity from the public vote.

Unfortunately for Jorgie, they decided that Wolfendon had the edge, so she had to fight for the public vote to remain on DOI until next week.

But with her amazing skating skills and racy ensemble, Jorgie sailed through to next weekend’s show.

Louie said: ‘This is so hard, you were both phenomenal. Jorgie the way you move is fabulous.

‘But Matt what people don’t realise is the support you have to give your partner. It was down to the connection between each other and the person I am saving is Matt.’

Katrina added: ‘That was incredible, you guys managed a complicated choreography. Jorgie you are usually magical and cute, but now you’re so sexy and that was so cool. I am awarding immunity to Jorgie.’

However Robin also opted for Wolfendon, who had battled a trapped nerve in his back throughout last week’s rehearsals.

Ready for battle: The two couple contrasted in silver and black outfits
The two couples get ready to battle it out