Angelina Jolie ‘sick of fighting’ with Brad Pitt about Jen

Angelina Jolie ‘sick of fighting’ with Brad Pitt about Jennifer Aniston

Brad’s determined to stay friends with ex Jen


Brad Pitt, who frankly should know better, spent last week trying to persuade Jennifer Aniston to hook up with 
him in London while she was in the capital with new man Justin Theroux.

Angelina Jolie definitely wasn’t thrilled.

Angie can’t believe how foolish Bradcan be sometimes,’ reveals our source.

‘She can’t imagine he really thought he’d be able to get away with meeting Jen in London – a city crawling with paparazzi – without anyone seeing.

‘They had an argument about it, butAngie’s exhausted and sick of fighting about Jen.’

While 36-year-old Angelina has told friends she knows there’s nothing going on between Brad, 47, and Jen, 42, she’s bored of trying to get him to see her point of view.

Brad says it’s no one else’s business if he’s friends with an ex,’ reveals our insider.

‘But Angie keeps trying to explain how disrespectful it is to their relationship and their children.

‘She knows if the media caught a whiff of Brad within a hundred feet of Jen it’d take the whole circus surrounding them back to the beginning, which she thinks would be hugely damaging for the kids.’


(source: now magazine)