Ashton gets stamp of approval for Steve Jobs role
Since the news broke that Ashton Kutcher would play Steve Jobs in an upcoming independent movie, many have said he’s not right for the role but Steve Wozniak, who co-founded Apple Inc. with Jobs and designed the famed Apple I computer, gave his approval of the casting in a recent interview with TMZ.

“The fear that many might have is that Ashton was selected because he’s ‘hot’ right now,” Wozniak said. “But I feel that his selection was done in the most professional manner. And I’m glad that he’s onboard. I think he’ll put a lot into it and that he cares about this particular subject… It’s almost too bad that Steve Jobs is gone. His opinions and guidance, as to the story and film crew and cast would have been invaluable.”
Producer Mark Hulme, who spoke with The Daily, has also stood behind Kutcher’s appointment to the role.
He said: “He believes the role was meant for him,” and will “prove to the world that this is the right part for him.”
“He is already meeting with folks that knew Steve Jobs,” Hulme added. “He’s working with professionals to get inside the voice. He’s letting his hair grow out. I understand he’s canceled all meetings and actually canceled all other projects.”
Hulme says Kutcher’s striking physical resemblance to the young and carefree Steve Jobs played a big part, but the producer reckons his status as a Twitter leader, with over 10 million followers, also helps him to identify with Jobs’ achievements.
He said: “When he read the script, he loved it. He and the director (Joshua Michael Stern) met two days later and they could tell that this was the right direction.
“The physical resemblance is actually scary, but he himself connects with this man in a very significant way. Of course he’s a big techie. He has a personal affinity to what Steve Jobs accomplished.
“Ashton is a much more intense individual than a lot of his current roles represent. We are feeling convinced that he’s gonna nail this.”