Big Brother’s Makosi says Kony is really about oil

Former Big Brother housemate Makosi Musambasi has spoken out against the Kony 2012 campaign, suggesting a link between the discovery of oil in Uganda and the call for intervention in the country.

The documentary was launched by action group Invisible Children earlier this week, as a means to draw attention to Ugandan Joseph Kony, who is said to abduct children and place them into his army unwillingly.

The video quickly spread around a number of social networking sites and was endorsed by celebrities such as Rihanna and Taylor Swift.

However, Zimbabwe-born Musambasi took to Twitter today and alerted followers to claims, which have emerged since Kony 2012 went viral, that the documentary provides outdated and misleading information about Uganda.

“Isn’t it ironic that the same time oil worth 2 billion dollars is discovered in UGANDA is the same time they discover KONY,” she wrote.

“I have spoken to Ugandians in Uganda and they say they have experienced peace for last 6 years they don’t understand this propaganda. We had a KONY in Zimbabwe called Gwesela! Because there was no oil they didn’t mind him (sic).”

She continued her plea: “Africa! Do not turn a blind eye to what is happening to you! Coz a blind man can be led to anywhere! Its not enough not to care… Do your own research!!! Obama has sent 100 troops to Uganda already! To find one small small Kony!”

Makosi in the BB pool with winner Anthony

Musambasi, who appeared in Big Brother’s 2005 series and its ‘Ultimate’ edition, was reportedly”kicked out” of Britain by the UK Border Agency last month.