Businessmen prepare £11m bid for control at Ibrox

Two Glasgow businessmen are preparing a bid to take control of Rangers.

Housebuilders and property developers Allan Stewart and Stephen McKenna plan to bid about £11m for the club.

They hope to run Rangers for two to three years before floating the company on the Stock Exchange and handing the club over to the fans.

The pair plan to meet current owner Charles Green, who bought the club’s assets for £5.5m, in the coming days.

The Glasgow-based company being used for the takeover is called ALEFTAV but Stewart and McKenna are land developers.

A source close to the bid said: “The money is in place, it’s now up to the owners.

“I believe people who know Scottish football should be in charge of the club. The plan is to run Rangers for a few years before handing the club and the stadium back to the fans.”