Cheryl and’s Unhappy Meal

Cheryl Cole and’s crash happened on route to McDonalds according to a friend of the British star. and 29-year-old Cheryl,  escaped from a car crash with minor injuries at around 3.30am on Wednesday morning, with the singer reportedly joking: “I ended up having an Unhappy Meal instead.”

A source added to The Sun: “Both Cheryl and were desperate for some food after working all day in the studio. They only intended to nip out for a quick bite – but ended up staying up for most of the night.”

The crash occurred after they left a studio following a long ‘day and night’ of recording, and it was who was behind the wheel of the £100,000 Cadillac that drove into a parked car, leaving the pair with bloody noses and whiplash.

The pair were pictured with blood streaming from their noses as they sat in the car moments after the accident in Los Angeles.

Speed racer: The Cadillac CTS is the expensive motor that crashed into a parked car
Cadillac CTS just like's


Cheryl wiped away tears as her passenger side airbag failed to open and she was thrown headfirst into the dashboard.

Eye-witnesses said that’s airbag inflated and hit him in the face, which caused him to have a nose bleed, but Cheryl’s injuries were slightly worse as she was left with bruising too.

After police were called out to the scene was taken to the nearby Cedars Sinai hospital, where he later emerged wearing a neck-brace.

A spokesperson for Cheryl told the Mail Online: ”Cheryl is fine, she was shaken by the incident but is OK.”

Both stars also took to Twitter, to assure fans they were fine, with Will tweeting: “Car accidents are not dope. I’m glad I’m OK.”

“We’re fine,” he added, “Cheryl Cole [and I] were coming back from the studio but she and I are fine… just a little wiplash [sic].”

Despite the terrifying ordeal, the Girls Aloud singer – who was in Los Angeles rehearsing for her upcoming tour – returned to the UK just 48 hours later, and is said to be determined to get back to work immediately.

A source told the Daily Mirror: “They were both incredibly shaken up by the incident. Cheryl felt dazed for quite a while afterwards. But despite people urging her to rest and relax, she insisted on getting on her plane and getting back into the swing of things.

“She’s a workaholic and in this respect, it’s a good thing as it will take her mind off what happened.”

All OK: The two were injured in a car accident after a long day/night in the studio together

Cheryl, herself tweeted: “Don’t worry me and @iamwill are fine, promise.”

Producer Michael Jurkovac also tweeted the pair saying: “Thank god neither of you got hurt. Worry about those all night studio sessions.”

Cheryl has only got a few weeks to go before the start of her first UK solo tour on October 3, and has been working hard to ensure everything is perfect before she hits the stage.

Unhurt: Cheryl Cole tweeted this picture of herself in Los Angeles last week; she and were left with whiplash but were otherwise unhurt following a car accident today
Cheryl tweeted this picture of herself in Los Angeles last week after one of her workouts

Cheryl releases her new single ‘Under The Sun’ on 2nd September with her UK tour kicking off on 3rd October in Belfast