Corrie films 2 endings to Frank Foster rape trial

Coronation Street have filmed TWO endings to sex attacker Frank Foster rape trial

Innocent: Coronation Street have filmed two endings to the Frank Foster rape trial with him here found not guilty

Extreme measures have been taken to ensure Coronation Street fans will be kept guessing about the outcome of Frank Foster’s rape trial.

To keep the story-line’s conclusion under wraps, the show today filmed two outcomes for the case in which the factory boss is given guilty and not guilty verdict.

Viewers will have to wait until February to find out if the violent sexual attacker is going to be set free or sent down.

The contrasting scenes were filmed in Manchester earlier today and the pictures show two very different events.

In version one, Frank, played by Andrew Lancel, is found not guilty.

The slimy underwear manufacturer is seen leaving court with a grin as big as a Cheshire cat.

Save all your kisses for me: Frank Foster embraces his love interest Sally Webster on the court steps
Frank Foster embraces his love interest Sally Webster on the court steps

Accompanied by Sally Webster, played by Sally Dynevor, the beady-eyed sexual attacker walks down the court steps unable to believe his luck.

He kisses Sally on the cheek as she hugs him and she cannot hide her joy as they walk away.

Joined by his mother, Anne Foster, played by Gwen Taylor, the three are all smiles as they head off to celebrate the verdict.

Meanwhile, Carla and Maria Connor, played by Alison King and Samia Ghadie, leave court looking devastated at the outcome.

Carla and Maria leave court with Peter Barlow
Carla and Maria leave court with Peter Barlow

Chris Gascoyne, who plays the role of Peter Barlow, seems more angry than upset and the three of them appear to be dressed for a funeral in all black attire.

Fans will be most happy with the second version where justice prevails and Frank is found guilty.

Frank is remanded in custody until sentencing and viewers see a distraught Sally leave the court with her arm around a crying Anne.

It was also revealed today that by the time of the trial, Sally and Frank are romantically involved.

Kevin Webster goes after the troublesome Frank after he hears that his ex-wife has slept with the sex attacker.

Dynevor told ‘I think the viewers are going to be very worried about Sally. I thought and the viewers thought that I was getting back with Kevin! So I think we’ll all be a bit shocked with this storyline, actually.

‘I was certainly shocked by it, but I’m really, really loving it – it’s great.’