Crystal Harris confirms reunion with Hugh Hefner

Crystal Harris has confirmed that she has reunited with Hugh Hefner.

The Playmate became engaged to the Playboy founder in December 2010, but the couple split up just days before the wedding.

Crystal HarrisHarris subsequently moved out of the Playboy mansion, but a series of tweets last week seemed to suggest that she was living at the mansion once again. On Saturday, the 26-year-old confirmed that she is dating Hefner.

“Yes, Hugh Hefner and I are back together,” Harris posted on Twitter. “Yes I am his #1 girl again. Yes we are happy. Hope that clears up any confusion! XO.”

Meanwhile, the 86-year-old also wrote about the pair’s reunion, crediting his secretary Mary O’Conner with bringing the couple back together.

Hugh Hefner

“It’s Mary O’Conner that brought Crystal Harris back,” he wrote. “Crystal was miserable and said so. Mary told Crystal to write and tell me, which she did.”

After their break-up, Harris confessed that Hefner never turned her on, telling Howard Stern that sex with the 86-year-old lasted “like two seconds”.