Dalglish hits out at Wenger

Kenny Dalglish wants the Football Association to look into Arsene Wenger’s comments after the Arsenal manager appeared to suggest Luis Suarez is a ‘diver’.

Arsenal came from behind to win 2-1 at Liverpool earlier this month, but the Reds missed an earlier chance to take the lead when Dirk Kuyt’s penalty was saved by Wojciech Szczesny.

The spot-kick was awarded after Suarez went to ground following a challenge by Szczesny, but Wenger is adamant it was not a penalty.

Speaking in the build-up to his side’s victory over Newcastle United on Monday night, Wenger expressed his annoyance at the way some players make the most of tackles, and singled out Suarez.

“It annoys me, but it can happen with one of my players as well,” said Wenger.

“For example, (Liverpool striker Luis) Suarez got the penalty last week. It was no penalty. Nobody touched him.

“Where they go overboard is that nobody touched him. I can understand if they push the ball too far, but when no one touches him…

“Then when they roll down the sock, take the shin pad out like he has been kicked like mad. It is a bit overboard. We don’t need that.”

However, Dalglish is unhappy with his Arsenal counterpart’s comments and believes the FA should take action against Wenger.

The Liverpool boss said: “I’m sure the FA will look into it and take him to task.

“If you can’t comment on the England manager’s position, then I’m sure he can’t comment on another player.

“He never said that to me, ‘Suarez is a diver’. He said it was a fantastic performance and they were very fortunate to win.”