Dancing on Ice gives beauty Jorgie sexy new bottom

Jorgie Porter’s boyfriend has thanked Dancing on Ice for giving the beauty a sexy new bottom.

James Atherton said of the show’s runner-up: “She has got a damn good chassis on her now!”

He continued: “Obviously her bum has got amazing and I’m sure that’s from skating and suddenly she has also got boobs and I don’t know where they came from.”

Proud James, who stars with Jorgie on Hollyoaks, added: “Jorgie has been amazing.”

But he admitted he was stunned at how well the actress did on the series, given how terrible she was when he saw her on a rink in Belgium before Christmas.

James revealed: “She had been training a bit by this point and kept falling over “She was like Bambi on ice!

But he was won over when he watched her first performance on the show.

James, who plays geeky Will Savage on the Channel 4 soap, explained: “The first dance she did was to Skinny Love which is my favourite song and the only one which pulled on my heartstrings.

“I think it was because it was the first time I’d seen her and I suddenly saw it after going back and forth to training with her and she was amazing.”

But James has not become so carried away that he has started thinking about weddings.

Jorgie Porter with James Atherton

He said: “No, definitely not! We might think of taking a weekend away to Whitley Bay together but nothing like that.”She’s a cracker and I’m so proud of her. We get on so well so we’ll see – but it’s great at the moment.”