Danny O’Donoghue splits from Girlfriend



Danny O’Donoghue has reportedly ended his relationship with Irma Mali, fuelling rumours that he is linked with Bo Bruce.

The Script frontman is said to have gone on a “break” with the Lithuanian model, following reports that he has denied any romance with his Voice UK act.

However, friends of 27-year-old singer Bruce have apparently claimed that O’Donoghue has strong feelings for her.

“He’s told people that he and Irma are ‘on a break’,” a source told The Mirror.

“No one knows if he and Bo are together for sure but the rumours are circulating like crazy.

“Everyone wants it to be true because we all love a romance and they seem so happy.”

O’Donoghue posted a photo of the pair on Twitter after Saturday’s (June 2) final, which showed them backstage drinking wine together, while they had earlier performed a passionate cover of Professor Green’s ‘Read All About It’.

Bo Bruce lost out to Leanne Mitchell in the final of The Voice UK on Saturday.