Denise cavorts topless in the hot tub with Frankie

It was just two months ago that she declared she was turning over a new leaf for the sake of her husband.

But Denise Welch seems to have forgotten her promise to curb her wild ways since entering the Celebrity Big Brother house.

The 53-year-old ended up topless in the hot tub with 19-year-old Frankie Cocozza last night.

Never seen that kind before: The teen singer, known for his long list of young conquests, got the giggles when he had a look at Denise's assets

Despite saying in November that she wanted to end her partying and concentrate on her marriage following husband Tim Healy’s life-saving surgery last year, Denise had her housemates blushing as she frolicked near-naked during a late night spa session.

The Loose Women star joined her housemate, 34 years her junior, in the steaming hot tub wearing just her underwear.

Wild child Frankie was delighted by Denise’s bad behaviour, cheering her on laughing hysterically.

What will your husband say? The 34-year-old age gap didn't stop the naughty duo from getting risqué during their late-night swim

The teenage X Factor contestant, famed for cavorting with countless young woman, was amused by his mid-Fifties housemate’s figure, getting the giggles and pointing at her exposed assets.

The duo cavorted in the bubbling water, with Denise leaning over Frankie at one point, before their housemates intervened.

Nicole McLean played mother hen, approaching Denise with a towel before bringing her a top to cover up.

The WAG helped Welch pull the top on and then helped her out of the hot tub.

Denise has been candid in the past about her years of wild and adulterous behaviour during her marriage to Healy.

Long-suffering: In November Denise declared she was calming down for the sake of husband TimBut in November it seemed she had turned over a new leaf, after fearing the worst when Tim, 59, was rushed to hospital with blocked arteries.

She told the Mirror at the time that it was a wake-up call. ‘It’s made me grow up – and about bloody time!’ she said.

‘They say growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional and I’ve finally decided it’s time to grow up. I have been irresponsible. My lifestyle has allowed me to be.’

The housemates face their third live eviction tonight with Georgia Salpa and Michael Madsen facing the public vote.