Denise is at it again..this time groping Playboy twins

Denise Welch gropes Playboy twin on dancefloor sparking yet another CBB drunken row

They may have lived in the Playboy mansion but twins Karissa and Kristina Shannon do not appreciate being mauled – especially by a Loose Woman.

Denise Welch sparked yet another row in the CBB house last night, this time by trying to pull Karissa’s trousers down after necking alcohol.

Not content with offending one half of the blonde duo, who previously said Denise had lost all respect for herself, she then decided to round off the evening with a verbal scrap with model WAG Nicola McLean and then a Hollywood kiss with Welsh rugby hunk Gareth Thomas.

Former Coronation street actress Denise, who is fast turning into the wild child of the house, decided to tug at her Karissa’s pyjama bottoms when the girls were dancing.

The atmosphere took a turn for the worse after Karissa told her twin: ‘I don’t know if I’m cool with that’ which quickly spread across the house, dragging teenager Frankie and Nicola into the row.

In typical Celebrity Big Brother style the argument quickly escalated with judemental Nicola bizarrely telling Denise: ‘I was a page three girl for a lot of years, and you flash your boobs openly on telly and you’re cool with that? I’m not.’

Falling out: Denise found herself having a big argument with Nicola McLean

Instead of diffusing the row the drunken ramblings from Denise continued with the actress telling mother-of-one Nicola: ‘I’ve had a lot of things I’ve wanted to say to you in the House.’

Nicola heatedly responded ‘say it’ but Denise said that she wouldn’t say anything and just insulted her for her behaviour during the letters task.

Married Nicola, who almost kissed Frankie in the hot tub last weekend, was so desperate for her letter from her husband and children she allowed her housemate’s correspondance to be shredded.

As the screaming row continued nice guy Gareth was even dragged into the the argument but he refused to take sides in the screaming row.

In stills released from tonight’s programme Denise is later seen kissing Gareth which takes the total of housemates kissed into three.

And she's goes in for the kiss: Denise lets nothing get in her way on her quest for affection

Denise husband Tim Healy broke his silence yesterday saying he had enough of his wife’s housemate Michael Madsen picking on her.

The actor has threatened to confront the Reservoir Dogs star and ‘sort him out’ to stop him from targeting the Loose Women presenter any longer.

Tim admits his wife does have ‘problems’ when she has too much to drink but he’s not being scared off by Michael’s hard men credentials in his movies.

But although Tim is fuming over the behaviour towards his wife, he insists Denise has nothing to worry about when it comes to her two sons – 22-year-old Matthew and 10-year-old Louis.

He adds: ‘Matthew doesn’t like Michael but he doesn’t watch the show.  Louis watched the afternoon censored version, but he’s stopped watching it because he says it’s boring.’