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Former WBA heavyweight champion David Haye (R) and Dereck Chisora confront each other before a brawl

Boxer Dereck Chisora has been suspended indefinitely by the WBC after his bust-up with rival David Haye – and told to attend anger management classes.

The WBC described Chisora’s behaviour as “one of the worst” ever by a professional boxer.

Chisora clashed with Haye after losing to WBC heavyweight champion Vitali Klitschko in Munich earlier this month.

World Boxing Council president Jose Sulaiman, in Mexico, said: “The WBC is absolutely condemning behaviours that are not to be accepted in boxing under any circumstances and will act as soon as it can proceed to impose the fines and sanctions as we consider necessary.

“The WBC is imposing a serious fine (…) and declare an indefinite suspension against fighting again for a WBC title, while demanding Chisora to take an anger management medical treatment, after which his suspension will be reconsidered.”

He continued: “Derek Chisora is not going to tarnish the sport for those born in the humblest beds, who become sports heroes of the world to live a life of dignity and pride.

“Chisora, however, as a human being that he is, is going to be strongly invited to enter an anger management rehabilitating programme that hopefully will act in his benefit.”

The boxer’s promoter Frank Warren told Sky News: “I’m quite sure that Dereck Chisora’s legal representatives will have a lot to say about this.”

Asked if it signalled the end to Chisora’s boxing career, Mr Warren said: “At the end of the day he’s got to have a fair hearing… and we’ll see what the outcome of that is.”

Regarding anger management, Mr Warren said: “If indeed that needed to be done it would be up to a qualified person to determine it.”

British boxer Dereck Chisora spits water in the face of Vladimir Klitschko

He added that other higher-profile fighters had committed seemingly worse offences and been allowed to continue boxing – including world champion Floyd Mayweather, who was jailed for beating his ex-girlfriend.

Mr Warren said: “How on earth can that be correct? How can that be right? The reason is, it’s just about money as far as the WBC is concerned and I really don’t see how they can make this judgement without having a hearing.”

Chisora was arrested then released without charge following the incident which happened after he confronted his fellow Londoner at the post-fight press conference.

Following the resulting brawl, Chisora shouted threats at Haye, who subsequently left Germany and is wanted for questioning.

The WBC statement made no mention of Haye, who is currently unlicensed.

At the time, Chisora issued a statement in which he admitted his behaviour was “inexcusable”, but added: “There were many things that went on behind the scenes that ultimately caused my frustrations to boil over – however, this is of course no excuse.”

Following his suspension, Chisora wrote on his Twitter page on Tuesday night: “Song of the evening: ‘Me against the world’ 2pac.”