Eva Longoria celebrates President Obama win as stars Tweet support

Eva Longoria
Eva Longoria shared a snap of her election party on Twitter after the presidential election was called on Tuesday evening

Eva Longoria worked tirelessly on President Obama’s                 re-election campaign and last night (Tuesday), all the hard work paid off when Barack Obama was re-elected for another four year term.

Delighted by the result, Eva celebrated her party’s hard-earned victory with close friends, tewwting: “Me and my friends celebrating! I’m on (sic) tears! Moving the country forward!!! Obama!!!”

The former Desperate Housewives star, an outspoken co-chair of the Obama campaign, posted a photo of herself, arms raised in the air, and surrounded by friends who championed her efforts.

“We did it!!! Obama re-elected!!!!! Yes!! Yes We Can!” she wrote, her feed quickly dominated by celebratory responses from her Hollywood pals.

Aisha Tyler followed suit. “Tonight America smells like cookies and freedom, my friends. Cookies and freedom. #forward,” the comedienne wrote.

Keeping the tone light, she continued proudly: “History. Twice. I’ll show this to my grand kids, along with my vintage console and painful corns.”

Olivia Wilde tweeted: “AMERICA! You have spoken! Women! You have been heard! Young people! You proved them wrong! Tireless Obama volunteers! I THANK YOU!”

Rapper MC Hammer retweeted Eva: “America is making a huge statement !!! Humanity is primary.The people need access to medical care and we Appreciate and Respect Women !!!”

Zoe Saldana also made her allegiance clear: “Barack Obama!!! The 44th President of The United States of America. God bless America, once again!- ZS”


Star support: Celebrities flooded Twitter on Tuesday evening as it was projected President Obama had won re-election
Celebrities flooded Twitter on Tuesday evening as it was projected President Obama had won re-election


Patriotic: Celebrities flooded Twitter, announcing their allegiance to the president
Celebrities flooded Twitter to show support for the president