Facebook adds new status icons for same-sex marriages

Facebook has made same-sex marriage icons available for the first time to its users.

New blue ‘cake topper’ icons featuring either two grooms or two brides can now be used by married gay or lesbian couples for their Timelines.

Before, a heterosexual couple would appear as the default Timeline icon for marriages.

Equality: Facebook rolled out the new same sex marriage icons, pictured, on the weekendFacebook co-founder Chris Hughes became one of the first people to use thenew icon, after he married his partner Sean Eldrige on Saturday (June 30).

The social network made ‘in a civil union’ and ‘in a domestic partnership’ options available for users in February 2011.

Last month, it also became the first social media company to win at the GLAAD Media Awards.

A new Facebook shopping ‘want’ button was recently discovered to be a possible new feature for the site.

The site also briefly launched a ‘friends nearby’ feature before pulling it offline immediately.