Former Big Brother contestant Kenneth Tong sends vile tweets to Gary Barlow

Former Big Brother contestant, Kenneth Tong, has caused mass anger with his vile comments about grieving Gary Barlow’s stillborn daughter.

Tong, who appeared on series 10 of Big Brother in 2009, made a series of offensive statements on his Twitter account about the musician’s late daughter Poppy, who was delivered stillborn last week.

The 28-year-old self styled playboy was condemned by fellow users for using Take That song lyrics to attack Barlow and his wife at this difficult time.

Amongst making what he deemed to be jokes about the situation, Tong also posted a picture of a child’s coffin accompanied by more sickening comments.

Many fellow Twitter users were quick to defend Gary and began a campaign to get Tong’s profile shut down on the social network site.

Big Brother’s Bit On The Side presenter Jamie East said: ‘Nothing would make me happier today than seeing Kenneth Tong going to prison. What an absolutely hateful, hateful human being.’

While Professor Green wrote: ‘@MrKennethTong never in my life seen such a disgusting case of attention seeking… please never have children.’

Other users have appealed to stars, such as Piers Morgan, to use their celebrity influence to spread the word and get Tong’s account closed.

In protest: Some Twitter users condemned Tong's actions and campaigned to get his account shut down