Freddie has allergic reaction to bushtucker trial

Today the news broke that Freddie Starr was rushed out of the I’m A Celebrity jungle after suffering a severe allergic reaction.

And tonight saw the dramatic moment when the 68-year-old comedian was strapped up to some oxygen and as he was given emergency medical treatment.

Starr is seen gasping into a mask as he sits on a chair between the trees as onsite medics tended to him.

He was then taken to hospital and will be kept there for more tests, although it is unclear whether he plans to rejoin his camp mates.

Doctors were called to check on Starr after he started feeling sick following the Greasy Spoon Bushtucker Trial.

After the challenge was finished, he seemed ok as he walked back to camp and was in good spirits as he spoke to the cameras about the trial.

He mocked his competitor, TOWIE’s Mark Wright, and laughed as he said: ‘Anyone who wears a bandana and fake tan and puts cream on, they got no chance.’

But as he made his way back to camp, he turned to one of the crew and said: ‘I feel a bit light-headed.’

He sat down and medics were called and Freddie was taken to hospital shortly afterwards.

Today, an ITV spokesman said: ‘Freddie Starr was taken unwell in the jungle. He was immediately attended to by on-site medics and taken to hospital where he was assessed by doctors.

‘He will remain in hospital overnight as a precaution, and further tests continue. However, Freddie is in great spirits and keeping nursing staff entertained.’