Jay-Z speaks out in support of same-sex marriage

Rapper Jay-Z is so inspired by President Barack Obama’s decision to speak out in support of gay marriage, that he too has recently given his support to the cause.

The rapper revealed that he is strongly in favour of banning US laws against same-sex marriages, insisting that it is no different to discriminating against black people.

In an interview with CNN, he said: “I’ve always thought it as something that’s still holding the country back.

“What people do in their homes is their business. You choose to love whoever you love – that’s their business. It’s no different than discriminating against blacks.”

Asked if President Barack Obama’s backing of gay marriage will cost him votes in the upcoming US elections, he explained: “I think it’s the right thing to do, so whether they cost him votes or not… it’s not about votes, it’s about people. I think it’s the right thing to do as a human being.”

The 42-year-old recently revealed that he will “absolutely” ask Obama to perform at his new music festival ‘Budweiser Made In America’.