Little Mix stars brother caught in cocaine trap

It has been claimed that Little Mix member Jesy Nelson’s brother is a cocaine dealer following an shocking drugs sting.

Little Mix last week when they were announced as winners of X Factor (Jessie appears far right)

An undercover reporter is said to have purchased 1.3 grams of cocaine from Johnny during an arranged meeting Hornchurch, Essex.

There is no suggestion that 20-year-old Jesy, who is teetotal, was aware of her brother’s drug dealing or has ever been involved.

The Sun has reported that an undercover journalist was able to purchase 1.3 grams of cocaine from 22-year-old Johnny in a layby behind a theatre.

Handover ... dealer Johnny Nelson gives the cocaine to Sun's undercover reporter. Pic from The Sun

The reporter apparently paid £80 for ‘two, inch-long rectangular wraps,’ folded using lottery tickets.

The paper got in touch with Johnny after being given a mobile number described as a round-the-clock ‘drugs hotline.’

A deal was reportedly confirmed ‘within 15 to 20 minutes’ after quoting the name of one of Nelson’s friends and asking Nelson if he could ‘sort’ them out.

His mother is a police community support officer.

The location of the handover was apparently changed at the last minute, having initially been due to take place in a Sainsbury’s car park.

However an hour after the arranged time, Johnny called and changed the spot, turning up shortly afterwards in a black Smart car.

He acknowledged the reporter with a nod, and the exchange was over in moments.

The drugs were then taken to a ‘scientific firm.’

Consequences: Jesy saw her former X Factor rival Frankie Cocozza booted out of the competition for taking cocaine Consequences: Jesy saw her former X Factor rival Frankie Cocozza booted out of the competition for taking cocaine

The report which followed by ScreenSafe UK said: ‘The submission consisted of two folded sections of Lottery ticket which held 0.70 and 0.61 grams of a white powder.

‘A sample from this was analysed and found to contain benzocaine (a cutting agent), and cocaine.’

‘This will devastate Jesy. She is desperate that nothing rocks her roller-coaster path to fame and fortune,’ a source has said.

Jesy, who like the rest of Little Mix is proud of her clean-living attitude, has said that she has ‘never been drunk’ and ‘the idea of being out of control really scares me.’

‘You see lots of stars ending up in rehab and that’s not for us. We’ll go to showbiz parties and dance but there’s no need to get drunk. We want to be good role models.’

Little Mix witnessed first hand the repercussions when former X Factor hopeful Frankie Cocozza was booted off the competition for taking cocaine.