Made In Chelsea Kimberly had a secret live-in boyfriend

Ditched: Kimberley Garner in an episode of Made in ChelseaShe’s caused quite a stir since she arrived on Made In Chelsea– a clean-cut girl who uses her allure to toy with the affections of the programme’s eligible bachelors -but now millionaire property heiress Kimberley Garner has been dumped by her off-screen boyfriend after he watched the programme and discovered she was dating her co-stars and claiming she was single.

The 22-year-old is one of four new characters in the E4 series, which follows the gilded lives of a group of wealthy twentysomethings in Chelsea.

Viewers have seen Kimberley – who says she is a regular worshipper at Holy Trinity church in Brompton and tries to ‘stick by what God teaches because it leads to a better person’  – go on a string of dates with fellow cast members including McVities biscuit heir Jamie Laing, 22, diamond mining heir Francis Boulle, 23, and Eton-educated City broker Spencer Matthews.

Spencer, 23, who has previously been linked to another Made In Chelsea star, Chloe Green, daughter of Topshop boss Sir Philip Green, used their time together to ask if rumours that Kimberley was a virgin were true.

In an episode aired last Monday, he asked: ‘You are a very striking person. You dress very seductively. You ooze sexiness and yet .  .  . Can I ask you a very personal question? I was under the impression you are a virgin.’

Kimberley, 23, a former pupil of the private St George’s School in Ascot, where other old girls include Princess Beatrice, replied: ‘It’s fine. It’s quite a personal question but yeah, I’m quite a good girl.’

But contrary to her squeaky clean image, throughout filming she was living with boyfriend Diego Divero-Volpe, 29, an aristocratic nightclub entrepreneur she had been dating for more than a year.

The couple – who were introduced at West London nightclub Public by Guy Pelly, a close friend of Prince Harry – were sharing a £1 million apartment in Chelsea when Kimberley landed a part in the series in January.

A month later she began filming the ‘scripted reality’ series – which takes real elements of cast members’ personal lives and weaves them into a soap-style storyline – telling her co-stars she was single and going on a string of dates with some of the men. Mr Divero-Volpe claims the couple were still in a relationship when, unknown to him, Kimberley shared dinner with Spencer, went on a double date with Jamie and Francis, and agreed to a further breakfast date with Jamie, all of which were filmed.

'I'm hurt': Ex-boyfriend Diego Divero-Volpe, 29, was living with Kimberley throughout filming 

Diego claims he was forced to end the relationship four weeks ago after discovering his girlfriend’s double life by watching her secret dates on TV.

Mr Divero-Volpe, whose mother is an Italian countess and whose diplomat father is descended from one of Spain’s oldest aristocratic families, said:  ‘Kimberley and I are no longer together for obvious reasons.

‘You will see from watching the show. As far as I was concerned we were in a serious and long-term relationship. She came to meet my parents in Italy and to a family wedding with me in St Tropez. We had talked about the future and buying a place together.

‘But things happened and she wasn’t entirely honest with me. She was leading a double a life and, no matter what she says, was dating other people and telling everyone she was single when she was in a relationship with me.

‘I actually got her on to the programme. She asked me if I could get her on the show and I know the cast and some of the producers. What I didn’t realise is that she was telling them we were not together.

‘What she did was super hurtful. It’s horrible to watch. It’s heartbreaking, I loved her and I still have strong feelings for her.’

‘Asked if he believed the Kimberley was a virgin, he replied: ‘It’s not really my place to say.’

Kimberley said: ‘I told Diego I didn’t want to be his girlfriend in January and the relationship fizzled out. I’ve had no contact with him since March 10 other than to say happy birthday and wish him well. I have never been unfaithful in any relationship.’

A show source said Kimberley had indicated she was single when filming began but producers were later made aware of her relationship by other cast members.


Made in Chelsea is on E4 Mondays at 10pm