Michael Jackson trial latest

Michael Jackson‘s former nurse has been called to the stand in the ongoing Conrad Murray manslaughter trial.

Cherilyn Lee alleged that Jackson had told her that doctors had approved his use of the propofol drug to help him sleep, as long as he was monitored.

She quoted Jackson as saying: “The only medication that really helps me fall off to sleep right away is Diprivan (brand name for propofol)”.

Lee explained that Jackson had asked her to give him propofol intravenously, as other sleeping drugs were not working.

She said: “He told me, ‘Doctors have told me that it’s safe, I just need to be monitored. I just need somebody to come here, I will be safe, as long as I am being monitored’.”

Murray’s defence team started their case yesterday after four weeks of testimonies for the prosecution.

Last week, a propofol expert claimed that Jackson had more drugs in his system than originally revealed by Murray. Murray’s defence team have dropped their original claim that Jackson swallowed the anaesthetic propofol himself.

The trial is scheduled to continue for at least another three weeks and Murray could face up to four years in prison if found guilty.