Natasha and Imogen at war on Twitter

Natasha Giggs and Imogen Thomas have exchanged insults on Twitter over their affairs with footballer Ryan Giggs.

Thomas sparked the Twitter fight by taking a swipe at Natasha during her recent stint in Celebrity Big Brother.

“Just watching CBB catch up. I love Natalie Cassidy and her task. WAG Nicola McLean is a fake. And as for the other one,” wrote Thomas, referring to Natasha.

Since leaving the Big Brother house, Natasha has read the tweet and taken the Welsh glamour model to task for her comment.

“As for the other one what?” wrote Natasha. “Its just a simple question, just interested thats all 🙂 Never commented or been a bitch or said anything about her, dont know the girl… So I would like to know what she meant by it. That is all.”

Thomas responded with the remarks: “Not enough fish in the sea. Keeping it in the family. S**tting on your own doorstep.”

Natasha replied: “Ha… Are you for real?Pot kettle black. Zzzzz.'” Thomas added: “Obviously NOT pot kettle black as didn’t keep it in the family.”

Thomas was identified last year as the female involved in a superinjunction case with Manchester United footballer Ryan Giggs. It was later revealed that the sports star had also had an eight-year affair with his sister-in-law Natasha.