Rihanna shuts down interview on Australian TV

While promoting her blockbuster movie Battleship, Rihanna has quite successfully managed to dodge questions on her love life, but it would seem the We Found Love singer has had enough, cutting short an interview on Austrailan TV this week.

During an interview with Channel 7’s Sunrise, interviewer Natalie Barr broached the subject of press speculation about Rihanna’s links with actor Ashton Kutcher.

“How frustrating is it when you are linked to another Hollywood star?” Barr asked the 24-year-old, quickly adding: “Even if you’ve barely met them.”

Clearly unhappy with the question, Rihanna responded: “Very frustrating. Almost as frustrating as being asked about it. What’s the point?”

When Barr defended the question, stating that people are “interested” in her, Rihanna responded; “They are. They are interested in a lot of things. A lot of things that don’t matter, or shouldn’t.”

Barr confirmed that the question was her final one, telling viewers: “That’s where our interview abruptly ends.”

During a press conference in London, Rihanna also dismissed a journalist who asked about the rumoured relationship, branding their question “disappointing”.