St Johnstone striker Peter MacDonald:There’s no hard feelings after getting boot

PETER MacDONALD took the high road upon hearing news his contract at St Johnstone would not be renewed, describing Derek McInnes as a pal and admitting he just didn’t play and hit the net enough to stay.

The former Rangers kid was told to find another club as his long association with St Johnstone came to an end.

But rather than point the finger after his 10 years at St Johnstone came to an end, he chose to thank the manager he was leaving behind for handing him a new contract in the first place.

MacDonald said: “I have no hard feelings at all. The gaffer is always my friend – even before he became a manager.

“Some managers wouldn’t have taken a chance on me but he gave me an extra six months and if he hadn’t given me that I wouldn’t be here now.”

Things could have been so much different had MacDonald not spent so much time on the treatment table.

He said: If I hadn’t picked up so many injuries I would have had a lot more games.

“I have played over 250 games which isn’t great over 10 years. But what can you do when you snap your knee? “Now I have to look to the future and stay fit. I have trained all year and done my best whenever possible.”