St Mirren 0 – 0 St Johnstone: Managers upbeat despite dull finale

ST MIRREN manager Danny Lennon and St Johnstone counterpart Derek McInnes both looked back with a sense of achievement and forward with optimism after their sides closed the season with a goalless draw.
There was a complete lack of meaningful goalmouth action at St Mirren Park but no shortage of effort. The hosts had secured their SPL status earlier in the week and St Johnstone had already sealed eighth place for a second season running following a hat-trick of victories.

The game saw farewells for John Potter and Craig Dargo, two of 11 players told by Lennon their contracts would not be renewed.

Lennon is now looking forward to rebuilding his squad for his second season in charge and said: “On reflection on the season, the main objective was to stay up and that’s been achieved.

“I’m looking forward to putting my own stamp on it. I’m basically getting a clean sheet rather than coming when most of them are signed. So I will be able to do that and hopefully take it to the next level.”

McInnes, who has released striker Peter MacDonald and is set to announce more departures, said: “We’re disappointed not to win. But I can’t complain. Since the semi-final defeat (against Motherwell] the response has been terrific. We’ve picked up enough points to be pleased with ourselves.

“We’ve never been involved in a relegation fight and that’s our fight every season when we set off. With the parameters we work in, the players need to make sure we stay an SPL club and the players have done it pretty confidently. I thank them for their efforts.

“The ones who are leaving, I thank them for what they have given St Johnstone and myself. The ones who are staying, we look forward to meeting up again with enthusiasm to try to do better again.”