The secret to Kellan Lutz’s body

Kellan Lutz’s secret to getting the body of a Greek god… 16 eggs a day (and LOTS of exercise)

Kellan Lutz managed to pack on 25lbs of lean muscle to play the role of a Greek god in his upcoming movie, Immortals.

The Twilight actor, seen here posing shirtless on the cover of the U.S. Men’s Fitness magazine, got up to 220lbs – thanks to a high-protein diet and a rigorous workout regime.

Sharing his fitness tips with the publication, Lutz said he would eat 16 eggs a day in the lead-up to shooting and do insane outdoor exercise, that included throwing huge rocks around and doing countless push-ups.

Braun: Kellan Lutz poses on the cover of November's Men's Fitness magazine

But Kellan, who used to date 90210 star AnnaLynne McCord, insists he is no gym junkie.

In a behind-the-scenes video of his Men’s Fitness shoot, the 26-year-old actor says he likes to make up his workouts as he goes along.

‘I don’t really like the gym. I like to fool my body,’ he said, referring to his spontaneous outdoor workout regimes.

‘I run around the beach and then there’s scaffolding so I can just do different pulls-ups there.’

Never wanting to sit still, Kellan says he even exercises on his many flights around the world.

Speaking to the mag about getting into shape for Immortals, in which he plays Greek god Poseidon alongside co-stars Henry Cavill and Mickey Rourke, he said: ‘I ate 16 eggs every morning.

‘I got up to 220 pounds of solid muscle. We’d work out every day. Shooting one scene could take all day—and when that’s just driving a Humvee at five miles an hour, we had energy to burn.’

He went on: ‘We were doing push-ups on top of the Humvees. We were throwing wheels and rocks. We were timing each other, betting who can do the most push-ups, just to keep our sanity.


Kellan with Twilight co-star Nikki Reed