X Factor: James Arthur has a go at Digital Spy users

X Factor live finalist James Arthur has launched an attack on Digital Spy forum users, telling them to ‘get a life’.

The singer, who is in Gary Barlow’s Boys category, appeared to be angry and annoyed about comments made by X Factor viewers.

“Who are these people on the Digital Spy forums!?!?” he wrote on his Twitter.

“Do they have no idea that there nothing but negative lowlifes for even typing such s**t!?

“Some of these fools don’t even realise how disgustingly ignorant and ridiculous there opinions are!! Get a life.

“I wouldn’t normally rise to it but I’m in genuine disbelief that these clowns dare to write the s**t they write on there!”

Venting his frustration, he continued: “They should be locked up for some of the s**t they say about us lot.

“Rarely do I go on s**t like Digital Spy which is made for w**kers with no lives who wanna find out what’s happening on Corrie next wk but when I do all I see is abuse! I reckon they should shut that s**t down!!”

He qualified his comments somewhat when fans of Arthur, who also use Digital Spy, contacted the singer.

“Maybe that was a bit of a generalisation, but all I meant was there is a lot of negative people on there by the looks of it,” he added.

The X Factor Live Shows kick off this weekend on ITV1.