X Factor shocker: The Risk & Johnny Out

It was a big shock in The X Factor with show favourites The Risk and Johnny Robinson being voted off in a double elimination.

Flamboyant Robinson was voted off after going head-to-head in a sing-off with fellow Over-25s act Kitty Brucknell.

And surprisingly, Brighton wildboy Frankie Cocozza managed to stay another week, despite his panned performance on Saturday night.

His mentor Louis was forced to choose between Robinson and Brucknell, admitting he thought the blonde singer was more likely to get a recording act.

After it was announced that Robinson was going home, both Walsh and Gary Barlow shed a tear for the popular finalist.

Choosing between his acts, Walsh said: ‘They’ve been incredible to work with. They were both incredible in the sing-off. I have to pick the person who I think in the real world who would get a recording act and the act I’m gonna have to send home is Johnny.’

While the pair fought for survival in a sing-off, boy band The Risk were eliminated straightaway after receiving lowest vote.

The Risk’s exit came as a shock as only a week ago they were second favourite to win the show by the bookies.

But perhaps their recent change of line-up after Ashford Campbell, 16, replaced Ashley Baptiste may have affected their chances.

When asked how they felt by Dermot O’Leary, The Risk singer Derry Mensah said: ‘I dunno what is it. I’m just happy we’re here together.’

Charlie Healy added: ‘We’re The Risk, we’re just gonna carry on,’ while bandmate Andrew Merry said: ‘It’s been a honour to sing with these guys.’