Brian Kennedy and Blue Knights submit bit for Rangers

Sale Sharks owner Brian Kennedy and the Blue Knights have joined forces to submit a “substantial” written offer to purchase Rangers.

The bid was submitted to the club’s administrators Duff and Phelps at 3pm this afternoon (Friday).

The offer is subject to a Company Voluntary Agreement (CVA) being agreed with creditors and the acquisition of current owner Craig Whyte’s shares.

The news was confirmed in a joint statement from Kennedy and former Ibrox director Paul Murray, who fronts the Blue Knights consortium.

The statement read: “We are pleased to announce that the Blue Knights, led by Paul Murray and Brian Kennedy, have joined forces and at 3pm today have submitted a written offer to the lawyers of the administrators to purchase Rangers Football Club.

“This offer we consider to be substantial and is conditional on a CVA being approved by the creditors, and Mr Whyte’s shares being acquired.

“We hope this is accepted so that we may proceed with due diligence forthwith and make a start to the task of rebuilding Rangers Football Club of 1872.”