NFL Draft 2012: RG3 aims for capital impact

Quarterback Robert Griffin III is confident he can make an instant impression for the Washington Redskins.

The Redskins traded four draft choices to move up and take Griffin III with the second overall selection in this year’s draft.

“There have been quarterbacks, great quarterbacks, that have had terrible rookie years,” said Griffin, known as RG3.

“I don’t want to be that guy. I’m going to make sure I do everything to make sure I’m not that guy.”

Griffin, a three-year starter at Baylor University who won the Heisman Trophy last season, is excited to be playing in the NFC East against quarterbacks Eli Manning (New York Giants), Tony Romo (Dallas) and Michael Vick (Philadelphia).

“It’s a tough division,” he acknowledged. “Growing up in Texas you see that division a lot. If not the best division, it’s one of the best divisions in football.

“The great quarterback play, great pass rushers. There’s going to be a lot of excitement in the division.”

As a youngster, Griffin was a fan of the Denver Broncos and their coach, Mike Shanahan, who is now with the Redskins.

“He’s a great coach,” he said. “From what I’ve heard he allows his players to have input on what they do. Not that I’m going to go in and say, ‘Hey, we need to do this, this and this,’ but I’ll definitely try to be open with him.”

Griffin does not see it as added pressure that the Redskins, who were 5-11 last season with journeymen Rex Grossman and John Beck at quarterback, gave up so much to get him.

“If anything, it makes me want to go out and get to work even sooner.” he said. “They believe in me.”