Max George clears up The Wanted/One Direction rivalry

Max George of The Wanted has said that his band appreciate other artists.

The singer was this week quoted as saying that the boyband’s rivals One Direction are better known for their appearance than their music in the US.

Max has now clarified his remarks on Twitter, saying: “Just to clear up… I think interviews have been twisted and made into much dramatic than what they were.. We appreciate all other artists (sic)

“And all fans of any age, whether youre 1 or 90. Anyone who says or thinks different is full of s**t. Hope this puts peoples minds at rest xx”

Meanwhile, Nathan Sykes of The Wanted was this week quoted by People as saying: “If you look at One Direction’s chart position and then look at ours, they’re not really even our rivals.

“They have different fans to us. We don’t want their fans, they’re too young.”

He is said to have added: “We laugh and say that their fans are our fans’ younger sisters. We have our own success going on in America and it isn’t just with the music.

One Direction arriving for the 2012 Brit Awards at The O2 Arena, London
One Direction arriving for the 2012 Brit Awards

“Unlike One Direction we don’t have Simon [Cowell] but we don’t need him either. He is too controlling for us – we like to have control of our own music.

“We like to sit and write our songs, decide what we do but, like any of the X Factor acts, One Direction don’t really have much of a choice about what they do.”

However, Sykes has now said on Twitter: “When someone takes your words and twists them its like a knife in the back #whathappenedtothegoodguys?!”

His bandmate Jay McGuiness had reportedly said to the same magazine: “One Direction are smashing it. Along with Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez they are on the front of all the teenage magazines in America because the young girls love them.

“But, on the other side of the coin, we are on the radio stations talking about our music.”